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Monday, April 9, 2012

Laine Blogger Award

  I have had the great pleasure of meeting a fabulicious blogger, Miss Niki.  She is an amazing writer and a super supportive fellow blogger.  This gorgeous lady is a pleasure to chat with and her blog posts are straight up amazing!...and extremely informative to read!  I want to send a big THANKS YOU CHICKIE to her for this recognition. 

So here are the rules:
1) Link back to the person who gave it to you.
2) Blog about your award.
3) Give this award to 5 bloggers & let them know you gave
it to them

Since I started blogging back in January, I have come in contact with some amazing women.  These women are funny, smart, beautiful and considerate.  There are five women that I must mention in particular, and they are the ladies I award this to...

 'Tina D - My Fairy Dust Hologram, always spreading positivity and love among her peers.

April Bee - My Sister Soulmate Hologram, in nearly every way, how I lived 32 years with out you, I'll never know. 

Amy Lynn - My Tenacious Hologram, always honest and keeping in real.  Amy is a lady to ask when you want truth!

Tina B - My Sugar Hologram, always so sweet and super supportive. 

Beth - My Ginger Hologram, my babycakes, if I had a little sister, you'd be her. 

Being involved in the beauty industry has truly changed my life and each of these ladies have contributed to that.  Thank you to my #HOLOGRAMS and I hope that some day we will all be able to meet to chat about cosmetics over Starbucks.  I love you girls very much. 

Check out each of these bloggers and you wont be sorry!!!!

See you all next time!
Come check me out on YOUTUBE


  1. omg your introduction meant so much!! and i love how you wrote a little something about each blogger you mentioned! wonderful blog!!

    1. I meant it, Your blog is so awesome. I wish you could make mine so dynamite!!!!

  2. Hologram power! Thank you girl, you are the SWEETEST! =D

  3. YOU ARE SUCH A DOLL!!!! I heart all you ladies!! Thanks so much for being supportive with me as well!! #HOLOGRAMSRULE

  4. You are so adorable! You're like my big sister too! :D

  5. This post is awesome, I love all of our names and the sweet words! You are the best and happy to have found you all :)
